Welcome back today where going to talk about 5 very different ways to grow your following organically. FREE OF COST !! 1. # ashtags - By using hashtags it allows you to grow your following by using keyword phrases that are widely use on social media. This allows for potential followers to see your content pop up on the hashtag thread. If users find the content interesting relative to the keyword phrase you use they would eventually want to know who is behind the actual content. 2. Creative Content - By posting content that sparks emotion or forces one to have an opinion or leave an impression can go a very long way. Think about if your post was a funny parody all of those who find it funny will comment, on how funny it is. It doesn't stop there eventually there going to want to share it and the person they share it with than shares it among there friends and can partake in a viral conversation. 3. Optimize...
This blogs talks about all things marketing & advertising giving our audience up to date information in the ever changing field of marketing.